7 Reasons to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Every Night

Jul 14, 2024 | 5 min read

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Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers numerous health benefits when consumed before bedtime. Learn seven compelling reasons to make ACV part of your nightly routine, including weight loss support, blood sugar control, improved digestion, and better sleep—ways to safely incorporate ACV into your diet and be aware of potential side effects.

7 reasons you need to drink apple cider vinegar every night before bed

7 Reasons to Make ACV Your Nightly Routine

1. Antimicrobial Properties

Apple cider vinegar has strong antimicrobial properties, thanks to its high acetic acid content. These properties help kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Studies by Scientific Reports have shown that ACV can be effective against pathogens like E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause food poisoning and skin infections.

Benefits for Overall Health:

  • Prevents Infections: Regular consumption of ACV can help prevent infections by maintaining a balanced internal environment.
  • Supports Immune System: By reducing harmful bacteria, ACV helps support your immune system.

2. Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar can aid in weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake. The acetic acid in ACV helps increase metabolism, reduce water retention, and suppress appetite.

Mechanism and Benefits:

  • Increased Satiety: ACV helps you feel full longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. In a study published by EJCN, participants who consumed ACV with a high-carb meal ate 200-275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: It can boost your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
  • Reducing Fat Accumulation: A 12-week study from  BMJ Journals involving obese participants found that those who consumed ACV daily experienced significant reductions in body weight, belly fat, and waist circumference.

Practical Tips:

  • Combine with a Balanced Diet: For the best results, use ACV as part of a balanced diet rich in whole foods.
  • Drink Before Meals: Consuming ACV before meals can help reduce appetite and prevent overeating.

3. Blood Sugar Control

One of the significant benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. This is particularly beneficial for people with diabetes or those at risk of developing it.

Impact on Diabetes:

  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity: ACV improves the body’s response to insulin, making it easier to manage blood sugar levels.
  • Reduces Blood Sugar Spikes: Drinking ACV before meals can help prevent large spikes in blood sugar.

Practical Tips:

  • Monitor Levels: Keep track of your blood sugar levels to see how ACV affects you personally.
  • Daily Routine: Incorporate ACV into your daily routine, especially before meals. Biochemist Jessie Inchauspé advices that starting meals with a vegetable salad dressed with vinegar can further reduce glucose spikes by up to 30%, improving overall blood sugar management.

For example, this picture shows that a vinaigrette salad dressed with vinegar significantly reduces the glucose spike compared to an olive oil salad when eaten before a rice bo

vinegar effect on glucose levels

4. Morning Breath

Apple cider vinegar can improve oral health, helping to combat morning breath. The antibacterial properties of ACV help kill bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath.

Tips for Using ACV:

  • Mouth Rinse: Use a diluted ACV solution as a mouth rinse before bed to help reduce bacteria in the mouth.
  • Drink Consistently: Drinking ACV regularly can help maintain oral hygiene and reduce the occurrence of bad breath.

5. Improved Digestion

Apple cider vinegar can play a significant role in enhancing digestive health. It stimulates the production of stomach acid, which is essential for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.

Benefits for Stomach Acidity and Gut Bacteria Balance:

  • Improves Nutrient Absorption: By increasing stomach acidity, ACV helps in better absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Promotes Healthy Gut Bacteria: The probiotics in ACV support a healthy balance of gut bacteria, aiding in digestion and overall gut health.

Practical Tips:

  • Drink Before Meals: Consume ACV before meals to stimulate digestion.
  • Use in Cooking: Incorporate ACV into your cooking, such as in salad dressings, to continuously support digestion.

6. Improved Sleep

Drinking apple cider vinegar before bed can improve sleep quality by balancing blood sugar levels and reducing leg cramps. ACV contains potassium, which can help relax muscles and prevent cramps.

  • Prevents Spikes and Crashes: ACV helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, preventing the spikes and crashes that can disrupt sleep.
  • Muscle Relaxation: The potassium in ACV helps relax muscles, reducing the likelihood of nighttime leg cramps.

Bedtime Drink Recipe:

  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons of ACV with warm water and a teaspoon of honey. Drink this mixture 30 minutes before bed for a restful night’s sleep.

7. High Uric Acid Levels

Apple cider vinegar can help manage high uric acid levels, which are associated with conditions like gout. The acetic acid in ACV helps break down and eliminate uric acid from the body.

  • Reduces Uric Acid Buildup: Regular consumption of ACV can help prevent the buildup of uric acid in the joints, reducing the risk of gout attacks.

Practical Tips:

  • Regular Consumption: Drink a diluted ACV mixture daily to help manage uric acid levels.
  • Combine with Hydration: Ensure you are drinking plenty of water to help flush out uric acid from the body.

How to Safely Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Incorporating apple cider vinegar (ACV) into your nightly routine can provide numerous health benefits, but it's essential to consume it safely to avoid any adverse effects. Here are some tips and recipes for safe consumption:

Practical Advice for Incorporation

  • Timing: Drink your diluted ACV mixture about 30 minutes before bed. This timing helps maximize its benefits, such as improved digestion and blood sugar control, while minimizing potential discomfort.
  • Rinsing: After consuming ACV, rinse your mouth with plain water to help protect your tooth enamel from acid erosion.
  • Using a Straw: Drinking ACV through a straw can also help minimize contact with your teeth, reducing the risk of enamel erosion.

Alternative Forms

  • ACV Pills: If you find the taste of ACV too strong or unpleasant, consider taking ACV in pill form. These supplements provide the benefits of ACV without the strong flavor.
  • ACV Gummies: Another alternative is ACV gummies, which are flavored and more palatable. These can be a convenient option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of ACV without the hassle of dilution and preparation.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers numerous health benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects and take precautions to minimize risks.

  • Tooth Enamel Erosion: ACV is highly acidic and can erode tooth enamel if consumed undiluted or in large quantities. This can lead to increased tooth sensitivity and cavities.
  • Digestive Issues: Some people may experience nausea or indigestion when consuming ACV, especially if taken in large amounts or without adequate dilution.

ACV is strongly acidic (5–6% acetic acid), so there are risks of enamel erosion and reflux (heartburn) too”, states dietician and BDA spokesperson, Nichola Ludlam-Raine in her interview for BBC.

  • Interactions with Medications: ACV can interact with certain medications, such as diuretics and insulin, potentially leading to adverse effects.

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Key Takeaways

  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers numerous health benefits, including antimicrobial properties, weight loss support, blood sugar control, improved morning breath, digestive aid, better sleep quality, and managing high uric acid levels.
  • Drinking ACV before bed can enhance its benefits, particularly for blood sugar regulation, digestion, and weight management.
  • To safely consume ACV, always dilute it with water, use a straw to protect your teeth, and rinse your mouth afterward.
  • ACV is available in alternative forms like pills and gummies for those who find the taste too strong.
  • Be aware of potential side effects such as tooth enamel erosion, digestive issues, and interactions with medications.
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