Dr. Sabine Uez
Neurology, Sports Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine
20 years of experience
Choose for ConsultationArea of expertise
Neurology, Sports Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine
Neurointensive Care
Stroke, Neuromuscular Disorders, Restless Legs Syndrome, Spine Disorders, Epilepsy
Procedures Performed
Lumbar Puncture
Magnetic Resonance Neurography
Evoked Potential Testing
Botulinum Toxin Therapy
Head of the Practice, Neuro Center Arabellapark
Munich, Germany. From 2020
Neurology resident, Departments of Psychiatry, and mentally handicapped patients, Isar Amper Hospital Munich East
Munich, Germany. 2011 - 2013
Neurology resident, Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology of the Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany. 2008 - 2011
Neurology resident, Department of Neurology and Neurological Intensive Care Medicine Prof. Haberl, Harlaching Hospital
Munich, Germany. 2005 - 2008
Specialist in neurology, MVZ St. Cosmas Neubiberg
Neubiberg, Germany.
Doctorate, Physiological Institute of LMU Munich
MD, Medical school, LMU Munich and TU Munich
Dr. Sabine Uez is a highly qualified and experienced neurologist with expertise in treating various neurological medical conditions and diseases. She currently serves as the Head of the Practice at Neuro Center Arabellapark in Munich, Germany. Dr. Uez completed her doctorate at the Physiological Institute of LMU Munich in 2008 and obtained her MD from the Medical School of LMU Munich and TU Munich in 2005. Dr. Uez has worked in different medical facilities as a neurology resident and speciali...
German Society for Neurology
German Society for Neuroscientific Assessment
Bavarian Association of Sports Doctors
German Society for Sports Neuropsychology
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