Dr.Aiham Hammad's second opinion

Dr. Aiham Hammad

Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery


14 years of experience

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Area of expertise


Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery


Reconstructive Surgery, Pediatric Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

Procedures Performed

Foot and Ankle Surgery

Spine Surgery


Senior Physician, Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Marien Hospital Wesel

Wesel, Germany. From 2022

Senior Physician, Trauma Surgery and Orthopaedics, St. Franziskus Hospital

Winterberg, Germany. 2021 - 2022

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Helios Clinic

Duisburg, Germany. 2020 - 2021

Resident in Spinal Surgery, Helios Clinic

Duisburg, Germany. 2019 - 2020

Specialist under Training, Trauma, Orthopedic and Spine Surgery, St. Marien Hospital

Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. 2018 - 2019

Resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, Saudi German Hospital Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 2015 - 2017

Resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, Al Ramadi Teaching Hospital

Ramadi, Iraq. 2012 - 2015

Emergency Physician, Appollo Health City

Hyderabad, India. 2008 - 2010


MD, Al-Anbar University



Dr. Aiham Hammad is an experienced physician specializing in Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics. He has worked in various medical institutions worldwide, including Saudi German Hospital Dubai in UAE, Al Ramadi Teaching Hospital in Iraq, and Appollo Health City in India. Dr. Hammad completed his medical degree at Al-Anbar University in 2007 and subsequently underwent residency programs in German hospitals. Dr. Hammad started working as an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon at Helios Clinic in Duisburg, Germ...any, in 2020, after completing his residency program in Spinal Surgery there in 2019-2020. In 2021, Dr. Hammad began working as a Senior Physician in Trauma Surgery and Orthopaedics at St. Franziskus Hospital Winterberg, Germany, before moving to Marien Hospital Wesel, Wesel, Germany, the following year. Dr. Hammad's medical expertise lies in several areas, including Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgery, Orthopedic Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, and Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery.

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