Dr.Garri Tchartchian's second opinion

Dr. Garri Tchartchian

Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine


29 years of experience

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Area of expertise


Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine


Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Gynecological Endocrinology


Endometriosis, Fibroids, Infertility

Procedures Performed




Head, Endometriosis Centre Clinic for MIC

Berlin, Germany. From 2012

Chief, Team for Reproductive Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Clinic for MIC

Berlin, Germany. From 2010

Senior Physician, Pius Hospital Oldenburg

Oldenburg, Germany. 2006 - 2010

Assistant Doctor, University of Greifswald

Greifswald, Germany. 1998 - 2005

Assistant Doctor, University Gynecological Hospital Moscow

Moscow, Russia. 1996 - 1998


MD, Kuban State Medical University of Krasnodar



Dr. Garri Tchartchian is the Head of Endometriosis Centre Clinic for MIC in Berlin and the Chief of team for reproductive medicine and gynecology and obstetrics. He holds the surgical qualification AGE: certification for minimally invasive surgery MIC III, and the AGO: certification for oncological diagnostics and therapy. Dr. Tchartchian's additional designation is reproductive medicine and gynecological endocrinology. Since 2010, Dr. Tchartchian has been active in the hospital as a surgeon ...and consultant for all gynecological problems. The main focus take the so-called “Difficult Cases” in the field of fibrotherapy and endometriosis. He has developed a new surgical technique for the treatment of difficult cases in fibrotherapy, the “Change over Technique,” successfully used in routine practice in the hospital. Dr. Tchartchian is a leading expert and one of the very few surgeons to perform surgery on very large fibroids using minimally invasive surgical techniques. A particularly gentle surgical technique, the so-called PUR (plastic uterine reconstruction), was developed and modified for patients who wish to have children or who wish to retain the organ structures of the uterus. Dr. Tchartchian has been coordinating the annual symposium for endoscopy and endometriosis for 8 years and is an active member of various societies as well as author of numerous publications and recipient of many awards.


Award "Leading Medicine Germany," German Publisher for Health Information


Magazine award Hörzu – Dr. med. Tchartchian is one of the Top 10 gynecologist doctors and Top 100 doctors in Germany



Dr. Garri Tchartchian has more than 40 publications.

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