Dr.Barbara Kaesmann-Kellner's second opinion

Dr. Barbara Kaesmann-Kellner



38 years of experience

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Area of expertise




Pediatric Ophthalmology


Blindness, Pediatric Low Vision, Childhood Blindness, Albinism, Aniridia, Achromatopsia, Genetic Eye Disease in Children, Strabismus, Low Vision, Amblyopia, Nystagmus, Phenylketonuria, Congenital Malformation Syndromes Predominantly Affecting Facial Appearance, Congenital Malformations of Anterior Segment of Eye, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Peters Anomaly, Visual Disturbances, Visual Snow Syndrome, Congenital Malformations of Posterior Segment of Eye, Multiple Malformation Syndrome, Congenital Glaucoma


Ophthalmological Consultant for Blind and Visually Handicapped, Ministry of Social Affairs, Family & Health of Saarland

Saarbruecken, Germany. From 2012

Professor, University of Saarland

Saarbruecken, Germany. From 2004

Ophthalmological Head, State School for Orthoptics, University of Saarland

Saarbruecken, Germany. From 1993

Consultant of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus, Low Vision; Head of the Section KiOLoN (Pediatric Ophthalmology, Low Vision and Neuro Ophthalmology), Department of Ophthalmology, University of Saarland

Saarbruecken, Germany. 1992 - 2023

Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg

Heidelberg, Germany. 1987 - 1991


MD: University of Heidelberg, Germany and King's College London, United Kingdom



Dr. Barbara Kaesmann-Kellner is an accomplished ophthalmologist and researcher with a remarkable academic journey. She completed her medical studies at the University of Heidelberg and King's College, London, earning both medical approbation and a doctorate dissertation from the University of Heidelberg. Focusing on ophthalmology, she pursued specialized training at the University of Heidelberg, where she developed a keen interest in working with low-vision patients. Following her training, s...he assumed a Consultant position at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Saarland, Homburg. Throughout her career, she also served as a locum at the Universities of Cologne and Tuebingen before being appointed as Head of the Section of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismology at the University of Saarland in 1992. Currently, she holds the role of Ophthalmological Head of the State School for Orthoptics of the University of Saarland. Her expertise also led to her appointment as an Ophthalmological Consultant for blind and visually handicapped citizens of Saarland, appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Family & Health in 2012. Her passion for low-vision patients remained unwavering, and she devoted her clinical and research interests to congenital and acquired/adult low vision. Dr. Kaesmann-Kellner's research delved into the connection between ophthalmology and neurology, specifically investigating the altered cerebral pathways in albinism using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Her rigorous research efforts culminated in a Habilitation (professional research thesis) at her university, shedding light on the high prevalence of optic nerve hypoplasia in albinism through standardized morphological evaluation. As a dedicated researcher, her main areas of interest encompassed low vision in infancy, delayed visual maturation, abnormal eye movements, nystagmus, albinism, and aniridia. She particularly focused on systemic manifestations of albinism and aniridia, investigating the correlation between clinical characteristics and genetics in these conditions. Moreover, Dr. Kaesmann-Kellner explored diagnostics, genetics, and treatments for nystagmus and albinism. Her exceptional research on albinism and strabismus was recognized with the poster prize of the German Ophthalmological Society in 2016.


German Ophthalmological Society


Poster Prize, Research of Albinism and Strabismus, German Ophthalmological Society


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