5 Big Risks and Challenges of AI in Healthcare in 2023

Jul 10, 2023 | 6 min read

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into healthcare is revolutionizing the sector, offering enhanced diagnostics and treatment efficiency. Nonetheless, with these advancements come the risks. From system errors that could harm patients, to privacy breaches due to data acquisition and AI inference, these concerns require careful navigation.

As we navigate this new era of AI-driven healthcare, it's extremely important to balance the enormous benefits while diligently mitigating the risks and ensuring both the safety and trust of patients.

AI and healthcare today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transitioned from being a buzzword to becoming an integral part of modern healthcare, significantly accelerating its adoption and innovation. This shift has been primarily catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, compelling the healthcare sector to rethink its conventional methodologies and adopt AI-driven technologies.

One of the significant areas where AI has made strides is Robotics Process Automation (RPA). Healthcare providers are increasingly adopting RPA to deliver cost-effective, error-free treatments. Our objective is to automate healthcare operations, enhance productivity, streamline data management, and improve overall patient care. With a projected market size of USD 6.2 billion by 2030, RPA is set to reshape healthcare facilities in the coming years.

Another emerging trend is the use of Emotion AI in the realm of telemedicine. It's particularly useful in assisting patients with mental disorders and autism by monitoring and interpreting their emotions. Emotion AI is also being utilized for diagnosing various mental disorders, thus paving the way for a more personalized and effective mode of treatment.

AI's influence extends to the sphere of personalized healthcare services. With massive healthcare data generated each year, AI can use this information to provide personalized healthcare treatments. Wearable devices, for instance, provide personalized diet and exercise plans based on users' health data.

In the realm of drug discovery, AI's potential is just being realized. It promises to revolutionize drug development processes by improving modern biology and chemistry, leading to higher success rates and cost-effective processes.

Ambient Intelligence (AMI), another key AI trend, is being employed to enhance the healthcare experience. By embedding sensors and processors into smart devices, AmI adapts according to human needs, streamlining various healthcare operations.

The introduction of smart pills has revolutionized medical procedures. These ingestible sensors can perform advanced clinical operations, including sensing, imaging, and targeted drug delivery. Lastly, AI's potential in diagnosing chronic diseases offers a ray of hope, promising improved accuracy in treatment.

AI is redefining healthcare, opening doors to improved approaches and highly effective treatments. With continuous advancements, we can anticipate an even more prominent role for AI in healthcare, shaping the sector's future.

ethical issues of ai in healthcare

5 risks and challenges of AI in healthcare

1. System Errors

The risks of AI in healthcare are manifold, and system errors sit prominently among these challenges. Despite improving precision and efficiency, AI technologies like Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are susceptible to critical mistakes. These errors, such as recommending incorrect drugs or missing tumor markers on scans, can cause significant harm and impact a large number of patients.

A study published in Scientific Reports underscored this risk, showing that DNNs can fail in image-based diagnoses when they focus on irrelevant features like surgical skin markings. This led to a 40% increase in false positives when associating these markings with malignant melanoma. Unlike human errors, the potential impact of these AI-related mistakes is vast. Therefore, continuous scrutiny and correction of such system errors are pivotal to mitigating the inherent risks of AI in healthcare.

2. Data Privacy

The utilization of AI in healthcare, while offering substantial benefits, introduces one of the significant challenges of AI in healthcare: data privacy. Given the sensitive nature of health data, breaches can lead to devastating consequences for patients. The increasing application of sophisticated AI algorithms and other computational strategies has heightened the vulnerability of healthcare data, even when anonymized.

Recent studies have illustrated how these methods can re-identify individuals in health data repositories, raising questions about the integrity of such data deemed confidential. For instance, one study discovered an algorithm capable of re-identifying over 85% of adults and nearly 70% of children in a cohort study, despite data aggregation and removal of protected health information.

This reality presents additional challenges when private AI companies control patient health information, even after 'anonymization.' It further raises complex legal issues around liability and insurability.

Therefore, the necessity for robust contracts outlining rights, obligations, and potential liabilities becomes critical when dealing with large amounts of patient data.

One possible solution to mitigate these privacy concerns is the use of generative data models, which can generate realistic, synthetic patient data, detached from real individuals, reducing the long-term reliance on real patient data.

3. Data Accuracy

Data accuracy is an essential aspect of AI's effectiveness in healthcare, particularly in areas such as personalized services and drug discovery. Accurate data informs correct decision-making; conversely, inaccurate data can lead to harmful errors. Algorithms heavily depend on the quality of data they receive. Recent MIT research found a high error rate in popular datasets used for training models, raising serious concerns for high-stakes fields like healthcare.

Healthcare data is complex, often found in unstructured sources like physician notes and lab reports. This makes connecting data points for a comprehensive patient overview challenging. The lack of shared data collection standards across healthcare systems introduces inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Even data from patients can be unreliable, with studies showing significant disparities in self-reported patient information.

Despite these obstacles, advancements in technology like Natural Language Processing (NLP) are gradually maturing to address data quality issues. These technologies can understand unstructured text and images and reconcile conflicting or missing data points. This underscores the importance and complexity of ensuring data accuracy, one of the significant challenges of AI in healthcare.

4. Dependency

The introduction of Ambient Intelligence and smart pills underscores the growing dependency and associated risks of AI in healthcare. An over-reliance on these technologies, while offering substantial benefits, poses risks by potentially sidelining crucial human oversight. In cases of AI failure or incorrect decision-making, the patient's health could be jeopardized.

Balancing this growing dependency on AI technologies with consistent human monitoring and decision-making presents a significant challenge. It underlines the need for thoughtfully designed checks and balances in AI implementation, emphasizing that while AI can augment healthcare delivery, it should not entirely replace human oversight.

5. Misdiagnosis

AI's role in diagnosing chronic diseases like cancer through methods like diagnostic imaging shows great potential. However, this potential is counterbalanced by significant risks of AI in healthcare, such as the threat of misdiagnosis. AI's diagnostic abilities are powered by algorithms that, despite being trained on vast datasets, can still fall victim to errors due to various factors.

For instance, a study by the University of Washington exposed the proclivity of AI systems to take shortcuts, relying on spurious associations rather than learning genuine medical pathology.

This method could lead to a misdiagnosis when the system overlooks clinically significant indicators in favor of irrelevant factors. Moreover, ethical questions are being raised concerning accountability in cases of misdiagnosis involving AI, highlighting the complexity of ensuring correct and reliable diagnoses.

Therefore, it is crucial to develop robust evaluation standards for AI technology and implement safeguards against potential errors, ensuring the correct use of this powerful tool in healthcare.

problems with ai in healthcare

Ethical issues of ai in healthcare

AI's integration into healthcare brings forth an array of ethical issues, significantly affecting the management of patient information and the risk of errors. The ethical issues of AI in healthcare largely stem from the fact that AI is often considered a "black box" that operates in ways partially or entirely opaque to human observers, creating challenges in supervision and questioning the transparency of personal data use. This characteristic has incited researchers to develop more interpretable AI forms.

The concentration of AI technology, notably in big tech corporations, has resulted in power imbalances and raised privacy concerns. Prominent instances, such as the partnership between Google's DeepMind and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, spotlight the potential for privacy breaches and misuse of patient data. This situation highlights the need for regulations ensuring data remains within the jurisdiction it is obtained from and the application of structural incentives for companies to prioritize data protection.

Public trust is a pressing concern, with only 11% of American adults willing to share health data with tech companies, according to a survey of four thousand American adults. The fear of "reidentification" exacerbates these concerns, as sophisticated algorithms could potentially unmask anonymized data.

Navigating the ethical challenges of AI in healthcare, stringent regulations improved AI interpretability, and the potential utilization of generative data models (that create synthetic patient data) is crucial. This approach ensures the responsible use of AI, balancing innovation with ethical considerations.


Addressing the risks of AI in healthcare is a crucial step towards its responsible implementation. With every technological breakthrough come challenges that we must collectively address. Specifically, acknowledging and proactively managing the risks of AI in healthcare will enable us to leverage its transformative potential safely and effectively, ensuring that the benefits far outweigh the potential pitfalls.

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